
We lost some great bylines last week

What a week! As a rule of thumb, I cringe when I see a writer use an exclamation point or when a stray one gets published in one of my newspapers, but I think after the week that the people of Nebraska, particularly those in places like Howard, Douglas, Lancaster, and Washington counties, have had, an exclamation point is a fitting piece of punctuation. In the wake of some grizzly tornadic storms, there was a lot of loss last week, both locally and around the state.

Unicameral makes headlines for the wrong reason, again

“If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all.” – Thumper “The tongue of the wise makes knowledge attractive, but the mouth of fools blurts out foolishness.” Proverbs 15:2 CSB Nebraska’s unique one-house Legislature is back in the national spotlight again, for all the wrong reasons again. Last year, it was a session-slowing filibuster accomplished by a couple senators who were upset with a bill restricting access to medical services for transgender youth.